Lee Lawson Madden

Third Generation Madden

Son of:

James Henry Maddden

20 December 1846 - 11 December 1935

Elvira Amanda Logan Madden

4 November 1850 - 17 May 1930


Lee Lawson Madden

23 Dec 1889 - June 1951

Ina C. DeForest

1892 - 1962


He married Ina C. DeForest who was born in 1892 in Texas. They were married about 1916 in Fulton. She died in 1962 in Fulton.

Bruce Davis grew up as a neighbor of Lee and Ina and states:

"They were both wonderful neighbors. Mrs. Ina was the soul of generosity and a kinder person never lived . She suffered in later years from diabetes and although she normally gave herself the required insulin shots she would sometimes call on me to give them to her. One of the things she loved most were flowers an while she was able to tend them her yard was always a colorful one. It was while working in her yard she stepped on a rake which injured her foot. This never healed. Despite her affliction she maintained a positive outlook on life. I remember the wonderful angel food cake she would bake and share with her neighbors. Many dances were held in the Madden home when I was growing up and I was one of the local youth to attend"